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                                    January 2025 | Phonebox Magazine 129YEARSLatest Local News Events & BusinessJanuary 2025To register please scanthe QR code or emailadmissions@thorntoncollege.comOPEN MORNINGSaturday 8th March 202510:00 am - 12:00 pmTHORNTONCOLLEGE.COMThornton College, College Lane, Thornton, Buckinghamshire, MK17 0HJ Tel: 01280 812610Independent Day and Boarding School for girls ages 3 to 18 years oldThornton College is a leading independent day and boarding school for girls aged 3-18. Awarded%u2018Excellent%u2019 and %u2018Outstanding%u2019 in recent inspections, the college provides a world of opportunity to ensureall girls thrive.Set in a delightful 25-acre estate on the Bucks/Northants border, Thornton is one of the most successfulnon-selective schools in the UK and offers a warm and nurturing educational environment alongside arigorous and exciting curriculum.%u201cExcellent In All Areas%u201dISI Inspection Report
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