Page 5 - Phonebox Magazine September 2008
P. 5

Dear Editor
A reply to Miss ‘Outraged Youth’ (August Phonebox)
The idea of blaming anti-social behaviour on the pretext that there is nothing to do in Olney, by one of last months readers letters is beyond belief.
“Experimenting with alcohol and smoking (presumably pot) has obviously become the next best thing to do”, the writer states.
Unfortunatly it is this type of ‘yoof’ that gets more publicity than the youth of today. But I am sure normal youth do not get a complex over the situation.
The simple fact is, Olney is a small town and you can not expect the type of facilities that are available in Milton Keynes, Northampton and Bedford etc.
How do you get there? Well by bus, taxi or ‘parent’ taxi, just like anybody else. What do you think the youth in small villages do!
In fact I think adults are far too tolerant of youth anti-social behaviour these days. In fact hours and days can go by in the hope things will settle down and it really is a last resort when the police are called, if at all. So the ‘yoof’ are given plenty of chances but they just have to keep pushing people to the limit of their tolerence.
As it is the summer holidays how about this little project to fill your time if you feel so righteous Miss ‘Outraged Youth’.
Organise yourself and a group of friends to conduct a survey. Your mission to seek out and find ‘pot’ smoking, alcohol drinking Olney ‘yoof’. Normally found on park benches, street corners and generally hanging about during late evening and early hours of the morning.
As a ‘yoof’ yourself you will not feel harassed or in any danger what so ever, when you approach and ask the question: “What would you really like to be doing instead of getting drunk and off of your head and generally being annoying to normal people.”
My guess is they drink and smoke because they do not want to have an interest in anything else.
Your results would be fascinating to read in next month’s Phonebox. ‘Keep it real’!
Perhaps at the end of the day you and other ‘yoof’ should reflect on the fact that you are lucky for what you have got and the freedom you enjoy, unlike the youth living in third world countries stricken with poverty and starvation.
Mr D Waller
P.S. To get the respect from the community you have to earn it and know your place. Find a hobby, a pastime, a job, or voluntary work; a reason for being. Life is not all self, self, self, take, take, take, as hopefully you will learn when you grow up.
Dear Editor
Olney is to be congratulated on the spanking new graphic ‘Olney’ signs. However it would have been even better to have rubbed down and painted the metal support posts.
Vic Webb, Lavendon
Write to: The Editor, Phonebox Magazine, Unit 2 Stanley Court, Olney, Bucks MK46 5NH Email: Tel: 01234 713298
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Phonebox Magazine 5

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