Page 6 - Phonebox Magazine February 2011
P. 6

Race Night
Saturday February 26th – Starts @ 7.30pm
cost – £6.00 per person (includes a ploughmans supper)
Contact 01234 782175 or 07793 819549
Lavendon Baptist Church
TIme TOGeTHer meeTs on wednesday 16th February at 2pm. Janet Howe from Lavendon school will be sharing with us her experience in newton, sierra Leone last year.
we hope that any who are free will take this opportunity to hear more about the challenge of the Olney-newton Link.
There will be the usual tea and cakes during the afternoon.
Maggott Racing 2010
Once aGaIn THe maggott racing on boxing Day was a great success. £200 was raised for The Thames Valley and chiltern air ambulance and Help for Heroes charities.
a bit thank you goes to all those who came along and made it a great day. Thanks also to ratty, barry, margaret and also carol for the use of the Green man.
Happy new Year to you all. Thanks rich.
Lavendon WI
December saw members gathering for our christmas party, we enjoyed a meal and some lovely puddings. There were some stalls selling cards, jewellery etc, and a tombola for members to enjoy afterwards.
It also saw some members going to Donzellas for christmas lunch which we all enjoyed and other members going to the cafe brio for an evening of Jazz and a meal.
January meeting was a little later than usual this year because of the bank holiday and our speaker was sonia minney from the Guild House in bedford. The Guild House is open to anyone over 50 and various activites are held each day, including beadmaking, art and yoga to name but a few.
Our next meeting will be held on 7 February at 7.30 and the speaker will be J. Howe speaking about working as a paramedic 'can I help you? I'm a paramedic'.
For information on Lavendon WI please call Marion Blackman on 01234 267939.
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6 Phonebox Magazine

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